Saturday, April 30, 2022


“Getting our Heart’s Desire”

Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

~ Psalm 37:4

When we put coins in a vending machine, select a product and receive the one we choose, we are satisfied with the transaction. Our expectations are met. The motive behind our actions is the fulfillment of our desire because of what we gave to get it fulfilled.

Perhaps we get the same idea when we read Psalm 37:4. It may seem as if, when we praise God and delight in Him, He will give us whatever we want. Do we believe it to mean that our prayers and our wants are going to be fulfilled in exchange for our simply delighting in Him? Sounds reasonable (and delightful), but we should think about it. Are we treating His promises and blessings as vending machine products, dispensed to us because we earned them?

The promise for us to receive our heart’s desire is based on the object of our delight. If it is for the LORD Himself, will He not give Himself to us? What greater delight could there be? As the psalmist wrote, “The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup.” (Psalm 16:5a) and as He tells us in Psalm 23, our cup overflows with Him (v.5).

God does promise to give us the desires of our heart when we delight in Him. We find joy in His presence and fulfillment beyond measure as we exalt in Him for who He is, our LORD and our delight.

Do you “delight” in God and take joy in knowing Him as your loving heavenly Father? Tell Him.

Excerpt from "Faithbook Messages - Devotions to Like and Share" available on Amazon or directly from me. 

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